Francis Adomako Commends Akufo-Addo, Admonishes Deputy Ministers-Designate To Work Hard

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On Monday, 19th April, 2021, the President through the communication director at the office of the President, Mr. Eugene Arhin announced the list of deputy ministers to work with in his second term. Ashanti Region, being the stronghold of the party had it’s fair share of the appointments. This again, affirmed the President’s speech he made right after the 2020 elections that the Ashanti Region won the elections for the NPP. A whooping number of nine deputy ministers were appointed from the Ashanti Region. It would be recalled, during the appointment of substantive ministers, nine of the appointees were selected from the Ashanti Region. In all, the Ashanti Region can now boast of nineteen ministers in the second term of the Akufo-Addo led government.

The Ashanti Regional Organizer of the NPP, Francis Adomako has commended the President hounouring the Ashanti Region in such a great manner.

He further on stressed, as the saying goes, to whom much is given, much is expected. Ashanti Region recorded 1,793,773, representing 71.64% of total valid votes. This accounted to the success chalked by the NPP in the just ended elections. And it has indeed, refelected in the number of ministerial appointments.

The hardworking regional organizer further admonished the appointees to work hard in order to promote development in Ashanti region and Ghana at large.

Francois also pleaded with the President to consider Ashanti region when appointing Board Chairs and Members, Managing Directors, CEO’s among others in order to create more jobs and educational opportunities for the youth in the region. Just like Oliver Twist who that evening, after dinner, approached the master and said, “Please, sir, I want some more.”

He cautioned the appointees to select grassroots and footsoldiers of the party from Ashanti Region as their PA’s. “This in return will help promote the party’s vision of breaking the eight”; he stated

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